Political Dollars Affecting Your Media Buys? Try this!

Start TV Network Logo (PRNewsfoto/Weigel Broadcasting Co.)
Start TV could be a another TV option for challenged Media Buyers during these Politically charged times.
Local Political advertising is very dynamic in 2018. For DR clients that are used to reasonable rates and nice frequency, that luxury has gone away since 2nd quarter.
Tampa is a great example. Local TV is pressed with issues, money and new candidates making their presence known. A resource, if you have an aging demo, are the Antenna’s, GETTV and METV’S of the world. They can help reach your audience without the sticker shock of the Affiliate stations. I have re-worked my schedules for several clients this quarter to include these stations. The results have been a positive blessing.
Tampa will have a new option for broadcast buyers in September. If you have a local market that will have START in your line-up, give it a try if the demo and client sync up. November cannot come soon enough.