How to drive retail sales, whether getting a product onto the shelf, or driving retail sales of current in store products, was the number one topic of discussion with DRTV clients and interested companies this year at Response Expo. 2012 has been a high profile year for drive to retail campaigns at Modus Direct. Word is getting around, and folks want to know what’s in the secret sauce.
The question we got the most was how Modus Direct can help clients get their products into retail, while selling direct and leveraging HSN and QVC. The simple answer is that Modus understands that working with direct response marketers and merchandisers, rather than just media buyers, is key for long term success at retail. This trend cuts across all DRTV categories; from housewares, to health and wellness, to Senior products.
Companies now realize the power of DRTV to grow their businesses. To ensure success, they must choose the right DRTV consultants. Undoubtedly, there is a migration away from large DR media buying companies toward savvy, smaller DRTV shops versed in merchandising, media and retail. A prime example: Company A has a front end responsive campaign, but is frustrated with low front end conversions. After their media buyer failed to help with call center performance and offer development, they realized Modus Direct could not only resolve their call center issues, but also completely manage the public face of their product. The companies we encounter seeking help benefit from Modus Direct’s expertise in media buying, call center management and offer development.
The new Product Showcase crystalized what companies are looking for in a direct response partner. For instance, the makers of a new pet product were in need of a partner to handle everything, including all the operational elements of DRTV. This shows that companies are really looking for the ability to make one call to understand the performance of their DRTV campaigns and the areas of optimization, whether that is media, retail, call center or the landing page. In other words, to be taken by the hand and guided through the process, start to finish.
The show was held at the Hilton Bayfront in San Diego, within walking distance of the Gaslamp district. There were people from every end of the direct response business, from television networks to call centers to advertisers. It was great to meet everyone. Closing night at the USS Midway was especially memorable. Experiencing the enormity of one of our nation’s celebrated warships while overlooking the skyline of downtown San Diego was truly breathtaking.